Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dad Life

Being a dad...

Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm reading again...

"God is so vastly wonderful, so utterly and completely delightful that He can, without anything other than Himself, meet and overflow the deepest demands of our total nature, mysterious and deep as that nature is." - A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

Monday, April 6, 2009

full circle

Two days and a year ago, I entered my final of two posts on this blog of mine. How funny. I had convinced myself, then, that I would post something everyday. My peers would marvel at my creative banter, bask in the glory of my sentence structure, and regularly feast upon the delicious spread my brain would lay before them. But like a child, my attention went elsewhere.

and so... I write before you (because you obviously can't see that I am standing), I have lived another year. I am happy to inform you that I existed for 365 days plus two.

I want more than to simply exist. How many days did I truly live last year? Did I pursue life? I want to live and if to live is Christ, I will seek Him. I will pursue that. This year I will embrace life.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Don't look at me that way!

Claire Colburn: So you failed. Alright you really failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You think I care about that? I do understand. You wanna be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling.

*** Elizabethtown***

I am one of three people on campus who actually enjoy this movie from start to finish. I know because I asked everyone for their opinion. It was a 2 for 1 deal, their opinion and a little ridicule.

Monday, March 31, 2008

alien symbols.

To Whom It May Concern:
If you are reading this online diary of mine, i must have posted it previously to you reading it. I imagine that you have stumbled upon my prose filled cottage tucked safely away, purely on accident. So read if you shall, who knows maybe even stay awhile...well at least long enough for facebook to reload. Because years from now, rocking and swinging on porches with loved ones, you may recall a story, a character, a thought, or just the emotion caught between the lines and a smile could creep its way across your face.

Disclaimer: the stories are true, the people are real, and yes, my heart really does beat that tenderly.

Dear Diary,
Is there life on mars? after today...hmm maybe.

Today, I chose to study in the library. If you worked in the library you would understand why I try to stay away from that place. But this visit was not like the others. My time there was productive and incredibly pleasant. Around 4pm I looked up from my cubicle and spotted a couple walking toward one of the book shelves. They were great! He turned the corner laughing at his girlfriend (I assume) and knocked his arm hard enough for me to hear it across the upstairs section. As he humurously fought through the pain, his girlfriend giggled and stared, making eye contact as if to say, "you are so come on you big baby!" (strictly my interpretation). Completely distracted, I attempted to study again, but that quickly led to a frenzy of mass texting. I was in one of those moods where I felt everyone needed to hear my "cute" story for the day. At this point studying was over and the wait had begun. The anticipation of the possible ten replies became overwhelmingly delightful. I am ashamed to say this: I send out mass text messages because I enjoy the mass replies. Ask anyone, we all get excited when we look down at our phone and the screen displays "1 new message". So I decided a long time ago that if one new message gets me excited then five or even ten new messages would give me enough shallow happiness to last me at least two days.

The couple had since left and my phone showed that five minutes had passed without a single reply. Just as my ridiculous form of depression began to kick in, the entire desk vibrated, except it was more of a rattle due to the daily abuse my phone endures. "Yes! Two text messages!" This joy was short lived. Text after text, reply upon reply all shared the same confusion: "weird", "what the crap is that?", "haha say what?" With every reply I became more and more discouraged, those were not the replies I had imagined receiving. Not a single, "Aww!"

On my way to dinner Joelle says, "what was up with those symbols you sent me?" Apparently, E.T. had been trying to phone home on my cell and in the meantime had reprogrammed my texts to appear as Alien Symbols. So during dinner I made my rounds, explained the miscommunication and shared the story that I had tried to send. Becca laughed, Alyce said, "yeah, it happened again", and poor Evie, she never even got a text message. Is there life on mars? Probably not, but today I wanted to believe.

Intended Text Message: "I just saw a cute couple. The guy hit his arm really hard on a book shelf; the girl's pleasant laugh, her eyes, her smile, they seemed to soothe his momentary pain...I want those kinds of painful memories."